Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A mechanism for high-tech

A mechanism for high-tech

If the ATV is able to dock automatically - that is to say without external assistance - to the International Space Station safely, it's because he used a particular software theft of great complexity associated with a set of sensors which we will explain the functions. The docking of the ATV and sensors which he & nbsp mechanism; need to dock autonomously Space Station.  Like, ATV-4 Albert Einstein when undocking from the ISS.  © Esa, Nasa

If everyone knows the Russian Docking mechanism of the ATC, the center of the craft, very few know what do the other devices distributed around the mechanism. coloring pages for kids Note the presence of two sensors stellar (1) which allows the module to detect relative to the position of the stars . Among them are the crew visual target (2 and 3). The first target (2) is no longer used since the camera mounted on the rear of the service module of the ISS Zvezda (where dock ATV) is down. It is not removable and can not be changed. As to the second target, the 3, it works. To avoid distorting the two, the second camera is removable and was also replaced.

Suit Kurs antenna system (4) which is only used to provide distance information to the crew on board the ISS. And it has data radioed to the crew that are independent of those used by the ATC at its automatic navigation. There are also two navigation lights (5) allow the crew ( via the camera looking at the approach ATC) to have an idea, even rude, the orientation of the device relative to the station orbit when not illuminated by the sun . Under the lashing mechanism, two télégoniomètres (6) function as pistols laser to measure the distance and relative velocity of the target (ISS) with its retroreflectors installed on the back of the station. They also measure the angular direction relative to the target, considering the angles azimuth and elevation of the return direction of the laser beams.

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